Inked Girls Issue 5 Review

(Credit: Inked Australia)

Five issues of Inked Girls and we’ve seen hundreds of different, individual and gorgeous tattooed women. It’s a reminder that the female tattoo community is continuing to grow. There are always fresh faces instead of recycling the same images of the same women like some magazines are guilty of.

Inked Girls doesn’t rely on heavily digitally altered imagery to sell copies. It’s the human fascination with the female form and how tattoos alter our perception. Look at a non-tattooed female and then look at a tattooed female.

The Sephora shoot is a perfect example of this. In one photo Kat Von D has every tattoo on her body concealed with makeup. In the other photo her tattoos are left untouched. There before you is the same person. Your eyes are drawn to different areas of her body.

I’m a believer in our eyes telling a story, likewise with tattoos. You may judge someone by the art on their body, but look in to their eyes and you’ll see the warmth.

I love how this magazine is another medium keeping the gypsy/freak show tradition alive. Decades ago people would pay their hard-earned money to see tattooed people in the flesh (excuse the pun). Tattooing was a novelty, a form of entertainment that people enjoyed from afar, but not a practice they would partake in.

We can project ourselves into the minds of the girls on the pages before us. Humans like you and I, they’re not ashamed to display their canvas to the world. Inked Girls is like Cleo or Cosmopolitan to some people. Seeing other like-minded women is inspiration.

Now that many women do have tattoos it’s not such a surprise to see one on the street, at University or in a workplace. However the allure still remains as heavily tattooed people are on a completely different level. It’s these women who are paving the way for others to break the gender stereotype and are attempting to dispel discrimination. There’s always power in numbers.

There isn’t much else that can be said about Inked Girls magazine other than it’s a must buy for any tattoo fan.

This will probably be my last review of an Inked Girls magazine, but you can read my previous Inked Girls/Inked Australia posts here.

Inked Australia/NZ Magazine Issue 13 – the 2nd Birthday issue is out May 2. And don’t forget that Inked Artists 2 is on its way.

Inked Girls Issue 4

Inked Australia’s Inked Girls Issue 4 hit shelves today, with not one but two covers.

Inked Girls continues to go from strength to strength. The magazine features gorgeous tattooed women from Australia and worldwide, and appeals to men and women alike. There is something about tattooed women that sets them apart from those without ink.

History has forever been enamored with the female form. It’s considered a work of art on its own. Add tattoos to that and you’ve got an unbeatable combination.

These women are more than just pretty faces. They are travelled, cultured, and some, nerds at heart. Art lovers who carry their favourite pieces on their bodies.

I admire these girls because they have no qualms being themselves and adorned in inked. They do not cave into societal pressure to be what others consider a woman should be.  Here are women who wear their heart on their (tattooed) sleeve. They are the reason why heavily tattooed women are being seen in a new light.

Educated, driven, accomplished, and classy are characteristics which describe all the Inked Girls. They are breaking the stereotype, or perhaps redefining the old one, of women with tattoos. It is possible to be both inked and sexy.

Pick up your copy of Inked Australia/NZ – Inked Girls 4 at most newsagents.